Wafa Ghnaim, curator of the Museum of the Palestinian People, conducting a curatorial tour of the museum’s exhibits on March 14, 2024

Wafa Ghnaim, describing the representation of various styles of Palestinians in these prints that were made depicting real life people.

Wafa Ghnaim, describing photos which depict representations of Palestinian life that were more authentic than was predominantly depicted by Western European media

Wafa Ghnaim, describing regional variations between clothing

Wafa Ghnaim, describing a series of images of Palestinians in their daily life.

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

A National Geographic Magazine from 1914 on display at the Museum of the Palestinian People

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Wafa Ghnaim conducting the tour

Artwork displayed at the Museum of the Palestinian People