Protestors assembling at Bruce Monroe Community Park in Northwest DC before marching to the Children’s National Hospital to protest the hospital administration’s capitulation to anti-trans healthcare executive orders issued this past week.

Protest organizer going over the planned route and logistics of the protest.

Protestors listening to the protest instructions just prior to the march beginning.

Protestors holding signs while walking towards Children’s National Hospital

Protestors backpack (presumably pun intended)

Protestors march arriving at the entrance to Children’s National Hospital

Protestors march arriving at the hospital entrance waving flags.

Organizer working as safety officer (colored armband) during the march

Protestors beside a bus stop upon arriving at the entrance to the hospital.

Protestors engage with drivers who are arriving and leaving the hospital.

Protestors assembled at the hospital entrance with signs.

Protestors sharing their testimony in front of the hospital entrance.

Protestors displaying signs at the hospital entrance.

Montgomery County Maryland Councilmember Kristin Mink speaking about protecting trans youth.

Protestors gathered listening to testimony at the entrance to Children’s National Hospital.